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Save on Holiday Gift Boxes by ordering early, email for details
Save on Holiday Gift Boxes by ordering early, email for details
Ali holding a gift box

Wrapping For A Cause Helps Us Give Back!

We wrap, you tip! That’s the idea behind our Wrapping For A Cause campaign. 

You’ll notice when you check out in our retail store, we provide a tip jar. We highly encourage you to tip generously for your complimentary gift wrap, but it’s not so that we can split the tips and splurge on ourselves. We donate all of our tips!

We started the wrapping campaign many years back, and since then we have raise more than $80,000 in tip money. We generously donate that money to various local organizations and families in need. 

So far we have donated to a child going through heart surgery, families who have lost homes to fires, victims of hurricanes, tornadoes and flooding, the Child Advocacy Services Association, as well as many others. 

Some of our prospects have come from folks like yourself reaching out to us and letting us know someone is in need. Thank you for giving your change and your dollars to help us be givers in our community.

Here’s a quick story on how the program got started:

Our team has always gift wrapped for free; however, some customers started tipping us and we noticed an opportunity there to make a big difference in our community. That was when "Wrapping for a Cause" was born.

Please continue to donate your tip money and we promise to donate all tips to more wonderful causes. 

If you have a cause that you would like to see us add to our watch list, please email us at:


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