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Save on Holiday Gift Boxes by ordering early, email for details
Save on Holiday Gift Boxes by ordering early, email for details
Want To Send Client Gifts But Don't Have Their Address?

Want To Send Client Gifts But Don't Have Their Address?

This is a common problem. You want to recognize a client or thank someone for a referral but you don't know their address. Well, that's an easy fix. Chances are we have it! We have an entire database of customers. We just need a name and phone number and we can figure out the rest for you.

wine glasses, wine book, cheese and crackers

If you choose to order a gift online and you don't know the address, just leave us a note and tell us that the address given online is not the one you want to use.  We work on common sense!  

Look, don't overthink things. Just focus on the gifting strategy that has helped thousands of businesses increase their referrals and revenue by gifting. Let us handle the heavy lifting.

wine basket with cheese, crackers, pepper jelly

Contact us here to send a gift!

Your gifting team,

Kristi, Alex, Ali, Griffin, Ashley, Kathy, Mackenzie and the rest of our amazing fulfillment team members who make things happen!


Previous article Three Easy Ways To Gift This Holiday Season